Vegetable Pancake

Vegetable pancake is one of my favorite breakfast food. It is delicious, nutritious and fulfilling. It is also a flexible recipe, as I can always change some of the ingredients based on what I have in the kitchen. 

Lately I have been persuading myself to eat more and more vegetable everyday. As our age increase year by year, our risk in getting disease also increase. Diabetes, high blood pressure and heart diseases are some of the major health problems faced by many of us. There are also the dangerous cancer and kidney related diseases. Some efforts that we can all do to maintain our health are to consume more fruits and vegetables and drink enough water everyday. These are some of the easy way to take good care of our body. 

So I made vegetable pancake as an effort to add more vegetable into my breakfast. The batter is soft but not fluffy, added with some crunchy vegetable such as cabbages and carrot. I just use ingredients that I already have in the kitchen. You can add different kind of vegetables such as potatoes, purple cabbages, chives, and many more. Usually I like to add sweet and crunchy vegetables in my pancake. I also loves to add some herbs sometimes, such as Chinese celery and green onion. Adding green pepper will also add some flavor to it. 

I love my vegetable pancake with some sauce on the top. I think melted cheese or spaghetti sauce will add the deliciousness of the dish. And also maybe some mayonnaise. Sometimes I also like to put black pepper sauce on it. Although it is a vegetable pancake, this time I have added some beef floss on it, which brought the flavor to the different level. 

Vegetable Pancake.

Ready in 20 minutes
For 5 servings


  • 2 cups of flour
  • 1 medium egg
  • 1 tablespoon margarine or 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 2 cups of water
  • 1 teaspoon salt

  • 1 medium carrot (cut into small pieces)
  • 1 1/2 cup sliced cabbages
  • 1 bell pepper (optional)

  • Some black pepper powder
  • Finely chopped Chinese celery

Some of the ingredients. Carrot, cabbages and green chili. Tomato and garlic are used to make the sauce. The amount of ingredients in the photo is for 1 serving only.  

The batter for 1 serving.

  • Prepare the batter. Mix all the batter ingredients into a bowl. Mix well. Set aside. 
  • Prepare the vegetables. Slice or cut them into small pieces. The shape of the vegetables are based on personal preference. I cut them randomly as in the photos. 
  • Mix the vegetable and flavorings into the batter and mix well. 
  • Heat the pan and add 1 tablespoon cooking oil.
  • Add in the batter. The size is random, base on your preference. Shape it into a flat and round pancake. 
  • Cook it until both of the pancake sides are golden. 
  • When the pancake turned into golden color and the vegetables are tender, remove it from the pan and continue to cook another pancake. 
  • Your pancake is now ready. Eat it in the way you like. 
  • I added spiced meat floss on it.
  • And top with the sauce I made. 
  • The sauce is made from butter, basil, tomatoes and milk. Because I don't have cheese with me. 
  • It is delicious. The pancake is soft and tender, but the surface is a bit crunchy. 

Mix the ingredients. 

Add the mixture into the pan.

Cook until golden.

Vegetable Pancake.

I added some meat floss on the pancake. 

Basil frosted in butter. I just took it out from the freezer.

I took small chunk of the basil butter to make the sauce.

Vegetable pancake with tomato sauce.



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