Simple And Easy Soup Noodle Recipe

Noodles have been my favorite food for dinner and in rainy days. It is a comfort food for me. If I cannot find fresh noodles to be cooked in the fridge, I will cook the instant noodles. Although it is not a healthy option. 

Noodles are versatile food. It can be fried, add in the soup, add in curry, deep fried for snack, and many more. In this entry I will share a very simple and healthy recipe which is soup noodle. There are many recipes of soup noodles. From rich soup noodles, spicy, seasoned soup noodles and many more. But this recipe of soup noodles is far from the glamorous world of flavorful soup noodles. 

This soup noodles is an ordinary recipe which we can make at home almost anytime. It is because the method is simple and not many ingredients are used. In fact, we can use whatever we have at home. I call this as my everyday soup noodles. Even though it is simple, for me, the flavor of the soup is satisfying for my everyday need. Not too rich, not too plain. That is why i like it to be my everyday noodles recipe. 

The main ingredient of this soup noodles are garlic and onion, and white pepper powder. 

Ready in 20 minutes. 
For 4 to 5 servings.

  • 500 gram fresh noodles. You can also use dried noodles.
  • 7 to 9 cloves garlic. Or you can use 1 bulb of garlic for more garlic taste. Crush them. 
  • 4 to 5 eggs. 
  • 200 gram meat of choice, beef or chicken is usually used. You can also use prawn or squid.
  • 2 to 3 cups of vegetables, you can use green vegetables such as pak choy, kale, cabbages and lettuce.
  • 7 bird eye chili (if you like. You can also use bell pepper).
  • 1/2 carrot, cut into smaller pieces.
  • 3 shallots, sliced thinly.
  • 1 teaspoon of white pepper powder. 
  • 2 tablespoon of oyster sauce.
  • 5 cups of water.
  • 1/3 cup of cooking oil.
  • Salt and sugar.

  • Wash the noodles with hot water, strain and set aside.
  • Heat the cooking oil in the pan. 
  • Add in garlic and saute until aromatic and a bit golden.
  • Add in sliced shallots. Stir well and cook for 1 minutes.
  • Add in meat. Cook until it is aromatic and almost cooked.
  • Add in carrot and chili. Stir well.
  • Add in water. Water should be enough to fill 5 noodle bowls. 
  • Add in oyster sauce. Stir well. 
  • Turn heat to low.
  • Add in the eggs one by one and cook in low heat until all the eggs are cooked. 
  • Add in 3 teaspoons of salt and 1 teaspoon of sugar.
  • Add in the vegetables. 
  • Cook until the soup boils and the vegetables are a bit tender. 
  • Taste test and turn off the heat.
  • Add the noodles in the bowls and add in the soup.
  • Eat with condiments such as lime juice, or vinegar, pickled chili and garlic, sweet soy sauce, sriracha and pepper powder. 


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