Solok Lada

Solok Lada (so-lock la-da) or Stuffed Chili is a side dish along with Nasi Kerabu (Kelantanese Salad Rice). It is also can be eaten along with rice and gulai or curry. It is a dish made from big green chili (usually a type of chili we call solok chili) filled with flavored grated coconut and fish. 

The taste of solok is creamy, a bit spicy, salty and sweet. However the spiciness of the chili has been largely reduced because the chili is cooked and the seeds are removed before stuffing in the coconut filling. Usually sardine and mackerel fish are used to make Solok Lada. 

Solok Lada is delicious when eaten with Nasi Kerabu which has a mixed flavor from fresh minced vegetables and herbs, spicy coconut sauce (tumis), grated coconut sambal and budu (anchovies sauce). It is also accompanied with sambal air lada (chili sambal), and any meat of choice. Solok is also delicious when eaten with rice and gulai, a curry like gravy which is usually cooked with meat, fish and chicken. The creaminess of gulai match with the taste of solok lada. 

Today my mom cook solok lada for our lunch. So I am keeping and sharing my mom's solok lada recipe here. And to me, it is really delicious. 

Ready in 45 minutes

  • 3 fish medium size (sardine, mackerel)
  • Fresh grated coconut from 1/2 coconut
  • 5 to 6 shallots
  • 1 cup coconut milk
  • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper powder
  • Salt and sugar to taste
  • 10 to 12 big green chilies

  • Grill or boil the fish and remove the bone.
  • Pound the shallots until it become paste.
  • Pound the grated coconut a little.
  • Then pound the fish until it become paste and mix it with grated coconut, shallots, 1 tablespoon sugar, 1 teaspoon salt and black pepper powder. Mix well.
  • Cut the chilies parallel to its length. Cut only at one place. It is to make an opening to stuff the filling into the chili. 
  • Stuff the mix in the chilies. Fill until the filling seems overloaded. 
  • Then mix the coconut milk with salt and sugar. The flavor of sweet and salty must be balanced. Do remember also that we have added some salt and sugar in the filling earlier. The final taste must be a bit sweet with a hint of other flavors. 
  • Put the filled chilies in the pot and add the coconut milk. 
  • Cook or simmer until coconut milk are reduced and chilies are cooked. 


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