Scrambled Egg Sandwich with Toum

This is a sandwich I always make when I harvest the Brazilian Spinach at my small container garden in the backyard. It is easy, delicious and nutritious. The toum is a new addition to this sandwich to give more flavor to it. 

  • 1 egg
  • 1/4 cup milk
  • 1/2 cup 1 cup spinach (I use Brazilian Spinach)
  • Toum
  • Mayonnaise
  • Margerine or butter
  • 2 slices of bread
  • A pinch of salt
  • White pepper powder

  • Beat the egg in a bowl until egg white and egg yolk mixed. 
  • Add in some salt, milk and white pepper. 
  • Cook on the low heat.
  • Put scrambled egg aside.
  • Spread margarine or butter on one side of the bread.
  • Toast the bread on the pan. Cook the buttered side until golden.
  • Boil the spinach in 1/3 cup of water until tender. You can also add it raw. 
  • Spread some mayonnaise on one of the bread.
  • Spread toum on another bread.
  • Spread scrambled egg on one if the bread, followed by the spinach. 
  • Then put another bread with toum spread on top of it.
  • Enjoy.


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