Shell Cookies (Kuih Siput)

Shell cookies is one of the easy-to-make cookies which I always make. It is usually made during Eid. The cookies are usually flavored with curry mix and curry leaves and has a crunchy texture like the curry puff seal. But my family version of shell cookies is soft, like of a tart pastry. Apart from flavoring it with curry mix, we can also make it plain or coat it with sugar syrup. 

The mold
A few weeks ago I just watched a video on how to make fresh pasta at home. One of the pasta shape resemble this cookie. And the method to shape it is same too. Here we use the equipment to make cookies and in Italy it is used to make pasta. So I was right when I thought of making pasta by using the mold of kuih siput a month ago. We call the mold as 'acuan kuih siput' (shell cookies mold). 

Shell cookies mold.

There are four basic ingredients used to make shell cookies which are all purpose flour, margarine or butter, salt and water. If the margarine or butter is salty enough you don't have to add salt. This is the basic and plain version of shell cookies or kuih siput. Usually people add curry spice mix to the dough and mix curry leaves with the cookies. 

The recipe I am writing here is my family's. It produces a soft but a bit crunchy kuih siput. I also add one more recipe of the other version of kuih siput which has crunchier texture. 

Version 1

  • 3 cups all purpose flour
  • 1 1/3  to 1 1/2 cup margarine or butter (more margarine produce softer texture)
  • 1/2 cup salted water from 1/3 teaspoon salt

  • Mix flour with margarine or butter.
  • Mix and knead the ingredients.  
  • Then add the salted water little by little while kneading until a smooth and soft dough is formed. 
  • Then pinch a small portion of the dough (a ball about 1 cm diameter) and press it on the shell cookies mold until it form a long oval shape. 
  • Then roll the long oval shape to form a shell. 
  • When all the shells are formed, deep fry the cookies until a bit golden. 
  • Serve when cooled. 

Version 2

  • 3 cups all purpose flour
  • 3 tablespoon vegetable oil
  • 1 cup margarine
  • 1/2 cup salted water from 1/3 teaspoon salt
  • 1 tablespoon chicken powder
  • 3 tablespoon curry powder

  • Mix flour, curry powder and chicken powder well.
  • Add in margarine and mix well.
  • Heat oil in a pan. When the oil is heated turn off the heat and cool a little.
  • Add oil in the mixture. Add in salted water and mix well until a soft dough is formed.
  • Take a small portion of the dough (about 1 cm diameter) and flatten it into a long oval. Then roll it to form a shell shape.
  • Make shells with all dough.
  • Then deep fry the shells until golden.


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