Simple Noodle Soup Recipe

Noodle soup can be our comfort food especially in cold weather. Steaming soup combined with smooth and chewy noodles along with meat and vegetables can be comforting and fulfilling in the same time. 

There are many versions of noodle soup. Some requires making broth and some not. Some are thick in texture and some are clear. One thing they share in common is their deliciousness. 

We sometimes make noodle soup for dinner. We make the one without broth, the express version. It is less rich but refreshing. It also does not require long time to cook. Lets see the recipe.

Make 4 bowls. 


Fresh noodles 

200gm to 250gm beef or chicken or prawn or fried tofu. Cut into small pieces.

7 cloves of garlic 

5 shallots 

3 chilies 

White pepper powder 

Sweet soy sauce 

Chili sauce 

Pak choy or mustard green 


2 tomatoes

4 eggs


Heat some oil in the pan. 

Slice shallots and crush the garlic. Slice the chili. 

Add in garlic and shallots. Saute until golden. 

Add in beef or the meat you use. Saute until brown a bit. If you use seafood, add them after adding green vegetables. 

Add in chili and tomato. Cut tomato to your liking.

Add in water. Let it boil. 

Add in eggs one by one. Don't stir.ake sure they are cooked and become solid. Or you can fry the egg separately and add them in the bowl later. 

Add in soy sauce and chili sauce. Add in also salt and sugar.

Add in mustard green or pak choy. You can also add cabbage and carrot. 

Turn off the heat. Add in pepper powder and vinegar. 


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