Seafood Tom Yum

Tom Yum is one of famous Thai dish. It is like a kind of soup dish, made with herbs, vegetables and meat. The unique flavor of herbs combination in tom yum always gives us an explosion of taste and satisfaction when we sip a spoonful of the soup. 

Tom yum is also one of my comfort food, along with noodle soup and bakso. It is a good dish to eat when you are having fever. Or when you need to cheer your life up. Often, when I eat tom yum, I crave for more. 

There are many types of tom yum, which are seafood Tom yum, chicken tom yum and fish tom yum. They all taste delicious. Seafood Tom yum is always loved by many as it contains the delicious seafood flavor, usually prawn in it. 

Tom yum is usually eaten with rice. It is also eaten with rice vermicelli, and also can be eaten on its own.

There are also two types of tom yum soup which are white and red. Usually we make red tom yum. Here is the recipe of red tom yum. It is denser in flavor, while white tom yum taste fresher. 


200gm seafood 

2 to 3 cups of shrimp or prawn stock. You can make it by simmering the prawn head and skin. 

1 inch galangal 

10 keffir lime leaves 

3 to 5 stalks of lemongrass

1 onion 

7 cloves of garlic 

10 bird eye chilies 

1/3 cup chopped coriander, separate leaves and stalk. 

3 fresh chilies 

1 cup of mushroom 

Some baby corn 

Some carrot 




Fish sauce 

Lime juice from 3 to 5 limes. 

Thai chili paste. If you don't have this, take some grinded dry chili or chili powder, and put it on heated pan for 30 seconds. Let it cool. 

1 tablespoon evaporated milk, condensed milk or coconut cream. 


Add in lemongrass, galangal in the pot. Turn on the heat on low and cook for a minute until these ingredients became aromatic. 

Add in 1/2 cup of water and keffir lime leaves. 

When the water reduced to 1/3, add in garlic, bird eye chili, onion and chili powder or chili paste. 

When aromatic add in coriander stalk, baby corn, carrot then add broth. 

When broth almost boil add in mushroom. 

Wait until the broth boil. Add water if necessary. The soup must be balance with the ingredients in it. Not too much soup. 

Add in 1 tablespoon sugar and 1 teaspoon salt. 

Wait for the soup to boil. Then add in seafood. Cook for 30 seconds To 1 minute and turn off the heat. The seafood will be cooked by the internal heat of the soup. But make sure the seafood are not raw when tom yum is done. 

Add in fish sauce, salt if needed and lime juice. Stir well. Taste test. Then add in the milk. Stir well. 

Serve in bowl. Add chopped coriander leaves as garnish. 


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