Prawn in Turmeric Gravy / Gulai Udang

Gulai is one of signature Malay dish in Malaysia. There are varieties of gulai, same as curry. There are fish gulai, chicken gulai, beef gulai, and all of these uses some different ingredients to cater with the meat used. There is also gulai named before the ingredients used in it such as Gulai Lengkuas Kunyit (Galangal and Turmeric Gulai), Gulai Tempoyak (Fermented Durian Gulai) and there is one dish similar to gulai which is called Masak Lemak Cili Api ( Bird Eye Chili Gulai). There are also Gulai Darat which famous in Eastcoast Peninsula and Gulai Kawah, which always being cooked during wedding events. 

Sometimes gulai is mistaken as curry. This may be because the consistency and its spicy taste is near to curry. But gulai is made from  different ingredients and spices, usually lesser than curry. The taste is also milder and creamier.

In this posting I want to share a recipe of a dish called Gulai Udang or Prawn Gulai. There are several ways of cooking ths dish but I am going to share my mother's recipe here. 

The creamy taste of gulai suits the sweetness of the prawn, hence produce a tasty dish called prawn gulai. In this dish, the gravy is not too thick, and the sublime taste is the creaminess of coconut milk mixed with the prawn sweetness. Turmeric, chili, and shallot are some of the spices and herbs used in this dish.

Ready in 30 minutes.
2 servings

  • 200 gram big or medium sized prawn.
  • 7 medium sized shallots
  • 3 dried chilies. For dried chili, cut small and soak in hot water for 10 minutes before blending. Remove seeds to reduce the spiciness.
  • 1/2 inch fresh turmeric or 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder.
  • 2 tamarind peels. I think a good substitute for tamarind peel is lemon or lime peels.
  • 1 stalk lemongrass (optional)
  • 250 ml coconut milk diluted with 1 cup water
  • Salt and sugar to taste
  • 1/2 cup cucumber cut in 1/2 inches width (optional)
  • 1 whole green chili (optional)

  • Blend or process the shallot, turmeric and chili until become a fine paste. 
  • Then add water and coconut milk in a pot and mix well.
  • Add the blended paste.
  • Mix well and cook in low heat.
  • Add tamarind peels, salt and sugar. Add also cucumber.
  • Bruise the lemongrass and add in. You can also grill it a bit before bruising it. Add in whole chili. 
  • When the gravy starts to boil, stir well and add prawn. Cook for two minutes or until it boils again and turn off heat.
  • Leave the gulai for one hour and more before serving for a better taste.


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