Soy Sauce Tuna

Tuna is always my favorite food. But recently I developed a symptom of feeling unwell when I smell half cooked fish. I cannot stand the fishy smell. So I avoided eating fish for a while, unless it is well seasoned and well cooked. I also started to eat rice porridge frequently as it does helps to comfort my stomach. This simple rice porridge does helps to reduce bloating problem and is also easy to make. But it cannot be eaten alone and must be accompanied with other meal made with meat and vegetable. 

I have been thinking on what should I cook to partner with my porridge. Fried anchovies, egg in soy sauce, fried chicken came to mind. At last I found a slice of boiled tuna in the fridge and quickly decided on this menu which is soy sauce and ginger tuna. It is a recipe of fried tuna cooked in soy sauce paste until the paste is reduced and dried. This tuna dish has less fishy taste and smell as it is coated with many flavorings and cooked two to three times. 

Usually, I use boiled tuna to cook this recipe. Fresh tuna are boiled in salt and vinegar and sometimes palm sugar to preserve the taste and the fish. The boiling process also adds flavor when the boiled fish is used to cook other dishes such as sambal, gulai and curry. Fried boiled tuna also tastes good. 

Soy sauce adds sweet and umami taste to the dish. The addition of chili, shallot and ginger add more flavor to the dish. This dish is also good to be eaten with steamy rice. You can add more vegetables such as fresh chili, carrot and baby corn to the dish. These vegetables can be added while cooking the paste. 

I love to keep recipes here for my future reference and also to share with my fellow readers. I am not sure where this recipe is originated, but in Malay language we call it Masak Kicap Ikan. I think Indonesian people or maybe Philippines may have similar dish to this Kicap Ikan. Hope this recipe may add your collection of daily menu dish and I wish you happy cooking. 


1 slice of tuna 

2 shallots 

1 clove of garlic 

1 inch ginger 

1 teaspoon chili powder 

Soy Sauce 

A pinch of salt 


Season tuna with some salt and tamarind juice or vinegar. You also can use boiled tuna. Cut the tuna into smaller cubes. 

Pound shallot, garlic and ginger until they become a coarse paste. 

Fry tuna with 3 teaspoons of oil until golden. 

Push the tuna on the side on pan and add in pounded shallot, garlic and ginger. Add more oil if necessary.

Fry until the paste become golden at the edges and add chili powder. 

Stir the tuna together with the paste. 

Add in salt to taste. 

When the fish is a bit crispy at the edges, turn off the heat.

You can also add fresh chili as garnish. 

Serve with rice. 


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