Pumpkin in Syrup

Pumpkin is one of my favorite vegetable. It is so versatile, nutritious and delicious. One of the recipe of pumpkin which is easy to make is Pumpkin in Syrup. It is usually eaten for dessert, and it is delicious. In Malay people call it Sira Labu. Sira means something cooked with sugar syrup and Labu means Pumpkin. Okay, lets go and see how to make it.

Sira Labu

Prep time : 15 minutes
Cooking time : around 15 to 20 minutes

  • 1/2 of medium size pumpkin ( sliced in 1 inch thick - thickness of the thickest cross section )
  • 3 pandan leaves 
  • 7 cloves
  • 3 palm sugar 
  • 5 tbsp white sugar, or to taste
  • Water
  • 1/2 tsp salt, or to taste
  • Mix palm sugar, salt and white sugar with 2 cups of water.
  • Boil the mixture in medium heat.
  • Add pandan leaves and cloves.
  • Bring to boil.
  • Add in the pumpkin. 
  • Add water if necessary.
  • Cook until the pumpkin is tender, and the taste of syrup penetrates the pumpkin.
  • Serve. 

You can also put the pumpkin in syrup in the fridge before serving to get a cooler taste. = )


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