
Easy To Make Chicken Soup

I have been cooking for my aunt for a while. Taking care of her and making sure she eat healthy food is my priority. Porridge, soup and fried rice and also sandwiches are some of the meal I frequently prepare for us. And of course less sugar and salt in them. Today I decided to cook chicken soup. Yesterday's menu was chicken kurma. I learn to prepare this dish healthily and use easier method to cook as I just cook for two people. I added carrot and potato in the soup. Personally I prefer to use the part of chicken where they have bones and skin attached to them as they have more flavor. But for my aunt I use boneless part of chicken as she loves to eat boneless chicken meat.  For 2 people Ingredients 200 to 250 gram chicken meat  1/3 medium onion (coarsely sliced) 1 tablespoon green onion ( only the lighter color part not the dark green leaves and slice them ) 1/2 inch ginger (crushed) 3 cloves garlic (crushed and finely minced) 1/2 tomato/ 1 tablespoon lime juice /1 small tamarind

Simple Noodle Soup Recipe

Noodle soup can be our comfort food especially in cold weather. Steaming soup combined with smooth and chewy noodles along with meat and vegetables can be comforting and fulfilling in the same time.  There are many versions of noodle soup. Some requires making broth and some not. Some are thick in texture and some are clear. One thing they share in common is their deliciousness.  We sometimes make noodle soup for dinner. We make the one without broth, the express version. It is less rich but refreshing. It also does not require long time to cook. Lets see the recipe. Make 4 bowls.  Ingredients Fresh noodles  200gm to 250gm beef or chicken or prawn or fried tofu. Cut into small pieces. 7 cloves of garlic  5 shallots  3 chilies  White pepper powder  Sweet soy sauce  Chili sauce  Pak choy or mustard green  Vinegar  2 tomatoes 4 eggs Methods   Heat some oil in the pan.  Slice shallots and crush the garlic. Slice the chili.  Add in garlic and shallots. Saute until golden.  Add in beef or th

Penang Laksa

Laksa is a type of noodle dish which is widely consumed in Malaysia. It uses rice noodles and the soup is mostly seafood base. There are Penang laksa which is a bit spicy and sour, Sarawak laksa which is also delicious, Johor laksa, Kelantan Terengganu laksa, and Siamese laksa. These laksa are different in taste and color. But all are delicious.  Most of these laksa are eaten with fresh vegetables such as cucumber, basil, long beans, onion and bean sprout. Fresh vegetables are finely chopped and added just before eating the laksa. Last 2 days I made Penang laksa. I rarely cook this, as we usually make the Kelantan laksa. Penang laksa is also easy to get, it is widely sold in the night market everywhere. Making Penang Laksa is easy. The ingredients are not so many, and the process is simple. Soak dried laksa noodles for 30 minutes then boil them until tender. Then boil the eggs. After that prepare the 'kuah' or the soup.  The taste heavily depends on the kuah. It must be sour, s

Seafood Tom Yum

Tom Yum is one of famous Thai dish. It is like a kind of soup dish, made with herbs, vegetables and meat. The unique flavor of herbs combination in tom yum always gives us an explosion of taste and satisfaction when we sip a spoonful of the soup.  Tom yum is also one of my comfort food, along with noodle soup and bakso. It is a good dish to eat when you are having fever. Or when you need to cheer your life up. Often, when I eat tom yum, I crave for more.  There are many types of tom yum, which are seafood Tom yum, chicken tom yum and fish tom yum. They all taste delicious. Seafood Tom yum is always loved by many as it contains the delicious seafood flavor, usually prawn in it.  Tom yum is usually eaten with rice. It is also eaten with rice vermicelli, and also can be eaten on its own. There are also two types of tom yum soup which are white and red. Usually we make red tom yum. Here is the recipe of red tom yum. It is denser in flavor, while white tom yum taste fresher.  Ingredients 20

Soy Sauce Tuna

Tuna is always my favorite food. But recently I developed a symptom of feeling unwell when I smell half cooked fish. I cannot stand the fishy smell. So I avoided eating fish for a while, unless it is well seasoned and well cooked. I also started to eat rice porridge frequently as it does helps to comfort my stomach. This simple rice porridge does helps to reduce bloating problem and is also easy to make. But it cannot be eaten alone and must be accompanied with other meal made with meat and vegetable.  I have been thinking on what should I cook to partner with my porridge. Fried anchovies, egg in soy sauce, fried chicken came to mind.  At last  I found a slice of boiled tuna in the fridge and quickly decided on this menu which is soy sauce and ginger tuna. It is a recipe of fried tuna cooked in soy sauce paste until the paste is reduced and dried. This tuna dish has less fishy taste and smell as it is coated with many flavorings and cooked two to three times.  Usually, I use boiled tun

Deep Fried Fish With Turmeric And Ginger

I can say that fried fish is cooked almost everyday for our lunch menu. Be it turmeric fried fish, unseasoned fried fish or boiled fried fish, lunch may not feel complete without it. In the restaurants also there will be crispy spicy fried fish or crispy turmeric fried fish in trays for the costumers to choose for their lunch menu. Hot and crispy fried fish is a very suitable partner to the hot steaming white rice. And today I am going to share the turmeric fried fish recipe for people who have not tried this dish yet to try them. It is a quite easy recipe. The taste of this fried fish is, soft inside and crispy outside. Some people love their whole fried fish to be crispy until the bones become edible. Some prefer it less crispy. Usually this fried fish dish is crispy outside and a bit tender inside. The marinade add flavor to the fish and in the same time decrease the fishy taste of the fish. The crispier the fried fish the less fishy taste it will have. The fish used also must be we

Mushroom curry

I almost forgot that we have some split gill mushrooms in the fridge. This morning I found them almost completely dried due to the cold refrigerator temperature. I decided to cook two dishes with these mushrooms, 1 for lunch and 1 for dinner.  I remembered that my dad said that split gill mushrooms can be cooked as curry so I decided to cook mushroom curry. I have adjusted this curry recipe to suit the mushroom dried condition and lack of flavor after sitting in refrigerator for more than a week. I added some stock to cover up the lack of mushroom flavor. Being a homemade cook also require us to be creative and adjustable sometimes, in order to save time, and save some ingredients which almost go bad.  Difference in taste between gulai and curry Lots of people mistakenly called gulai as curry when they came to Malaysia and maybe Indonesia. Actually there are some difference between gulai and curry. I am not very knowledgeable in spices mix but I try to explain a bit here.  Gulai is a d