
Showing posts from 2019

Cekodok Kuah Dhal

Kuah dhal memang sinonim dengan roti canai. Bila kita beli roti canai dan bungkus bawa balik, biasanya penjual akan beri kual dhal yang banyak, mungkin untuk kita makan roti canai banjir di rumah. Tapi bukan semua ahli keluarga kita akan makan roti banjir. Jadi berlakulah lebihan kuah dhal. Apa yang selalu kita buat dengan kuah yang lebih ini? Biasanya mak penulis akan buang saja.  Tapi penulis selalu rasa sayang nak buang kuah dhal ni. Sebab banyak dan rasa membazir (walaupun penulis makan roti banjir kat rumah). Jadi timbul satu idea untuk reka masakan baru dari kuah dhal tu.  Penulis fikir ini boleh buat makanan petang. Jadi penulis cuba buat cekodok kuah dhal. Masa tu penulis ada memasak sup ekor untuk makan tengahari, jadi penulis campur sedikit kuah sup ke dalam kuah dhal dan tambah tepung. Kemudian simpan dalam peti sejuk. Jika tak ada kuah sup pun tak mengapa. Tambah saja air. Dan untuk lebih rasa boleh tambah pati ikan bilis atau ayam, atau ikan bilis. Udang ke

Lempeng : Flat Pancake Recipe

Lempeng (lamp-eng) or flat pancake is our regular meal for breakfast. It is easy to make, uses simple ingredients and delicious. The ingredients are all purpose flour, egg, salt, margarine and water. It is cooked in a round and flat shape but usually the texture differs according to personal preference. Some people loves it thick and soft. Some other loves it thin and soft. Some loves the surface to be crunchy but soft in the middle. I prefer the third version of lempeng. Lempeng is usually eaten with granulated sugar, condensed milk and syrups. The basic lempeng is plain in flavor, making it suitable to be eaten with condiments. I like it with curry. It is so delicious when eaten together until I usually add one more piece in my plate. =) Ready in 15 to 30 minutes. For 5 servings Ingredients 3 cups all purpose flour 1 egg 1 teaspoon salt 1 to 2 tablespoons margarine Water Methods Mix all the ingredients together except water. It is okay if the marg

Clam Soup

Clams are always a delicious food to be cooked for lunch, dinner or as and addition into soups. It has a unique umami flavor and tastes a bit fatty. It is also versatile, it can be grilled, saute, boiled, cooked into a sup, curry, deep fry and many more. Adding clams into tom yum soup will add flavor to it.  In this recipe I cooked a type of clam which people here call la-la or retak seribu (thousand cracks). Maybe it got its name from the pattern of its shell which looks like it has many cracks on it. I cooked it into an almost clear soup, consisting of some herbs. It is then eaten with rice. Fried salted fish is a good partner to this dish.  Ready in 30 minutes Ingredients 500 gram clams 1 onion (cut into 6 wedges) 7 cloves of garlic (crushed) 5 stalks of lemongrass (bruised) 5 dried chilies (pounded until become paste or cut in 1 inch length) Water Salt  5 tablespoon cooking oil 1 teaspoon fish sauce Methods Heat the cooking oil in a large pan.

Salted Fish Fried Rice (Nasi Goreng Ikan Masin)

Nasi Goreng or fried has become our family's staple dish. It is easy to make and can be an alternative choice for white rice dish. There are many types of nasi goreng such as Nasi Goreng Kampung (Country Fried Rice), Nasi Goreng Cina (Chinese Fried Rice), Nasi Goreng Ikan Masin (Salted Fish Fried Rice), Nasi Goreng Kerabu (Salad Fried Rice), Nasi Goreng Seafood ( Seafood Fried Rice) and many more. The most commonly made nasi goreng at home is only basic fried rice with addition of meat or dried salted fish and also egg.  Today I will be sharing a recipe of nasi goreng which I made during breakfast for my family. It is nasi goreng ikan masin or salted fish fried rice. This fried rice is really liked by Malaysian as it has variation in its flavor as the fried salted fish is added in it. The salted fish which is usually used is Spanish Mackerel fermented fish in oil. But you can also use any types of salted fish that you like. So lets go to the recipe. For 4 servings Ingr

Beef Curry Noodles

If you are a curry lover you might love Curry Noodles. Curry Noodles is a type of street food you can find in Malaysia. From high end restaurants, franchises, mak cik stalls, and night market you can always find curry noodles. Curry noodles is one of the beloved food by Malaysian. There are many types of other noodles which are usually sold along with curry noodles, such as Soup Noodles, Boiled Noodles (with sweet potato and shrimp soup), Bandung Noodles and many more.  Curry Noodles basically consists of fresh noodles, curry, fried tofu, boiled or steamed vegetables such as mustard, cabbages and beansprout, fresh chopped chilies and spring onion, half of boiled egg and crispy fried onion. Lime is also added and the juice will be squeezed before eating the noodles.  There are many types off curry noodles as well. Beef curry noodles, assorted curry noodles, chicken curry noodles and prawn curry noodles are some of the variation you can find sold in various places.

Black Glutinous Rice Porridge

Glutinous rice is a widely used ingredient in dessert making in Southeast Asian region. Porridge, kuehs, grills, stuffed foods are some types of dishes which use glutinous rice. The sticky but creamy, soft and sometimes gooey flàvor and texture makes glutinous rice to be chosen as the ingredients in dessert making.  There are some types and grades of glutinous rice which are usually used in cooking. Today we are going to talk about black glutinous rice porridge which is a delicious dessert treat. It is often made during festivals and parties.  Here in Malaysia, especially in Malay cookings the porridge made for dessert mostly use coconut milk as its base or sauce. The creaminess of coconut milk add flavor to the porridge. There are sweet porridge such as corn porridge, mung bean porridge, red bean porridge, and rice porridge that use coconut milk as its base.  Black glutinous rice has a unique flavor of its own, I think, I will describe as sweet and smoky, and also

Onion And Potato Fritters

This is a simple fritters which I always make because of the availability of ingredients at home. It is easy and also delicious. Eat the fritters with your dipping of choice. I like it with chili sauce, tomato ketchup, black pepper sauce and also curry.  Ready in 20 minutes, for 4 servings Ingredients 1 medium potato 1 onion 2 cups all purpose flour 1 teaspoon soda bicarbonate 1 teaspoon salt 2/3 cup water Methods Dice potato and onion. Mix all ingredients except water. Then add water little by little until the batter mixture reach a consistency a bit thicker than of a pancake.  Heat cooking oil in deep pan. When the oil is well heated, add in a tablespoon of the mixture. Repeat until the pan surface is full. Cook and flip the fritters until the fritter surfaces become golden. Strain the fritters with kitchen tissue for excessive oil. Eat with condiment of choice.

Solok Lada

Solok Lada (so-lock la-da) or Stuffed Chili is a side dish along with Nasi Kerabu (Kelantanese Salad Rice). It is also can be eaten along with rice and gulai or curry. It is a dish made from big green chili (usually a type of chili we call solok chili) filled with flavored grated coconut and fish.  The taste of solok is creamy, a bit spicy, salty and sweet. However the spiciness of the chili has been largely reduced because the chili is cooked and the seeds are removed before stuffing in the coconut filling. Usually sardine and mackerel fish are used to make Solok Lada.  Solok Lada is delicious when eaten with Nasi Kerabu which has a mixed flavor from fresh minced vegetables and herbs, spicy coconut sauce (tumis), grated coconut sambal and budu (anchovies sauce). It is also accompanied with sambal air lada (chili sambal), and any meat of choice. Solok is also delicious when eaten with rice and gulai, a curry like gravy which is usually cooked with meat, fish and chicken. T

Onion Fritters

Fritters is an easy food to cook for breakfast and teatime. There are many types of fritters such as onion fritters, banana fritters, lazy fritters, sweet fitters, milk fritters, bread fritters, anchovies fritters and many more. Here is a recipe of an easy to make fritter which is onion fritter. It is crispy on the outside but soft inside.  Ready in 20 minutes and the ingredients are for 4 servings.  Ingredients 3 cups all purpose flour 1 big onion  1 teaspoon soda bicarbonate 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup of water A pinch of sugar (optional) 1 teaspoon garlic paste (optional) 3 cups oil for frying Methods Slice the onion.  Mix the flour with soda bicarbonate, salt and sugar.  Add the onion and garlic paste. Then add water little by little until the mixture reach the consistency a bit thicker than the pancake.  Heat the oil in a deep pan. When the oil is well heated, scoop 1 tablespoon of the batter into the pan. Repeat until the pan surface is full. Flip the

Soy Sauce Onion Omelette

There are many types of Dadar Fried Egg. Dadar fried egg is a type of omelette which can be easily found in Malaysian restaurants. The difference between ordinary omelette is it is usually crispy at the edges and uses more oil to fry it. It also contains vegetable, herbs or even meat in it. Here is a version of Dadar Fried Egg recipe which is Soy Sauce Dadar Fried Egg. Just like the name, soy sauce is added into the egg before frying, resulting darker colored omelette.  Ingredients 1 egg 1/4 onion (thinly sliced or minced) 1/4 chili (thinly sliced) 1/3 teaspoon salt 3 to four drops sweet soy sauce White pepper powder 3 tablespoon cooking oil Methods Mix all ingredients well. Heat the oil in the pan. Pour the egg mix when the oil is well heated.  Flip the egg. Cook until both surface are cooked and became golden. 

Fish Head Curry

Malay/English We usually eat fish curry 5 to 7 times a month. Yesterday my mom and Ichah (my 7 years old niece) and my brother went to night market and bought a spanish mackerel fish head. Ichah was the one asking her grandmother to buy the mackerel as she wants my mom to cook her favourite fish soup. So my mom bought 1 slice of mackerel for Ichah and mackerel fish head for us. So when her aunt found the mackerel fish head this morning she went and cook fish head curry. This is a recipe which I always use to cook thin fish curry (fish curry that used little coconut milk). This fish curry recipe is the one I obtained from trial and errors and combination of recipes which I got from here , here and here . Those recipes are all good and delicious, but I made some changes and combinations to suit my family's taste and also based on the ingredients I already have at home. There is another fish curry that I always make, I call it Kelantanese fish curry. It is a bit differ

Homemade Roti John By Using White Bread

Roti John is a famous street food in Malaysia. It consists of long hot dog bread and filled with egg mixed with meat, some herbs and spices and sauces. Cheese is also added on the costumer's request. The price is around RM5 to RM10 depends on the filling. The filling usually are egg with beef or chicken, and extra price for addition of cheese. Whenever I crave for roti john in the morning or when I did not go out I just make a simple one at home by using available ingredients. Here is a simpler version of roti john which just using egg without meat. Personally I prefer this version a bit because the bread used (white bread slices) are thinner. I also included the additional method on how to add meat in it. Ingredients 2 slices of bread, or 1 hot dog bun. 1 egg 1/2 onion 1/2 green chili or bell pepper 1/2 teaspoon chopped Chinese Celery (optional) 1 teaspoon curry spice mix Minced cabbage, and sliced onion Chili sauce Black pepper sauce Mayonnaise Cheese 2 tablespoon

Scrambled Egg Sandwich with Toum

This is a sandwich I always make when I harvest the Brazilian Spinach at my small container garden in the backyard. It is easy, delicious and nutritious. The toum is a new addition to this sandwich to give more flavor to it.  Ingredients 1 egg 1/4 cup milk 1/2 cup 1 cup spinach (I use Brazilian Spinach) Toum Mayonnaise Margerine or butter 2 slices of bread A pinch of salt White pepper powder Methods Beat the egg in a bowl until egg white and egg yolk mixed.  Add in some salt, milk and white pepper.  Cook on the low heat. Put scrambled egg aside. Spread margarine or butter on one side of the bread. Toast the bread on the pan. Cook the buttered side until golden. Boil the spinach in 1/3 cup of water until tender. You can also add it raw.  Spread some mayonnaise on one of the bread. Spread toum on another bread. Spread scrambled egg on one if the bread, followed by the spinach.  Then put another bread with toum spread on top of it. Enjoy.

Loofah Soup with Anchovies and Cellophane Noodles

I don't know what other people call this vegetable. I call it tene (tay-nay). Other call it petola. Others may call it loofah. This vegetable is really delicious. It can be steamed or made into soup. I like both. And this is the recipe of loofah soup with cellophane noodles which we call suhun and anchovies.  There are many types or species of loofah. This recipe uses a species which usually eaten as vegetable. There are one more variety which usually used as bath sponge. That species contains lots of fibrous meat which when ripe and dried can be used as bath sponge.  This loofah soup is usually served as side dish along with white rice. Young loofah tastes sweet, tender and juicy. Cellophane noodles are smooth and soft. Anchovies add flavor to the soup. This tasty and healthy soup also can be eaten by its own.  Ready in 15 minutes Ingredients 30 cm of loofah (young) sliced into 1 cm thick slices 3 shallots sliced 1 garlic 2 tablespoons anchovies 1/2 teaspoon a

Kampung Fried Rice

I did not have cucumber that day so I used bell pepper as garnish.  Nasi goreng or fried rice is one of my favorite breakfast in the morning. It is delicious, fulfilling and easy to make especially when I have instant nasi perencah or pre-made perencah in the fridge. Perencah is the basic ingredient in nasi goreng which usually made from shallots, garlic and chili. Sometimes it contains shrimp paste or anchovies.  There are many types of nasi goreng and one of my favorite is nasi goreng kampung. Because I love to eat anchovies. Nasi goreng kampung is a classic nasi goreng which usually contains bird eye chili, anchovies and water spinach in it. Sometimes it is eaten with plain soup.  So here is my recipe of nasi goreng kampung.  Ready in 15 minutes  Ingredients 5 cups cooked rice 7 shallots 5 cloves garlic 3 to 7 bird eye chili 1/2 cup anchovies 1 cube anchovy stock 1 tablespoon budu or fish sauce (optional, I added it. Budu is anchovies sauce) oyster sauce (optio