
Showing posts from September, 2019

Lempeng : Flat Pancake Recipe

Lempeng (lamp-eng) or flat pancake is our regular meal for breakfast. It is easy to make, uses simple ingredients and delicious. The ingredients are all purpose flour, egg, salt, margarine and water. It is cooked in a round and flat shape but usually the texture differs according to personal preference. Some people loves it thick and soft. Some other loves it thin and soft. Some loves the surface to be crunchy but soft in the middle. I prefer the third version of lempeng. Lempeng is usually eaten with granulated sugar, condensed milk and syrups. The basic lempeng is plain in flavor, making it suitable to be eaten with condiments. I like it with curry. It is so delicious when eaten together until I usually add one more piece in my plate. =) Ready in 15 to 30 minutes. For 5 servings Ingredients 3 cups all purpose flour 1 egg 1 teaspoon salt 1 to 2 tablespoons margarine Water Methods Mix all the ingredients together except water. It is okay if the marg

Clam Soup

Clams are always a delicious food to be cooked for lunch, dinner or as and addition into soups. It has a unique umami flavor and tastes a bit fatty. It is also versatile, it can be grilled, saute, boiled, cooked into a sup, curry, deep fry and many more. Adding clams into tom yum soup will add flavor to it.  In this recipe I cooked a type of clam which people here call la-la or retak seribu (thousand cracks). Maybe it got its name from the pattern of its shell which looks like it has many cracks on it. I cooked it into an almost clear soup, consisting of some herbs. It is then eaten with rice. Fried salted fish is a good partner to this dish.  Ready in 30 minutes Ingredients 500 gram clams 1 onion (cut into 6 wedges) 7 cloves of garlic (crushed) 5 stalks of lemongrass (bruised) 5 dried chilies (pounded until become paste or cut in 1 inch length) Water Salt  5 tablespoon cooking oil 1 teaspoon fish sauce Methods Heat the cooking oil in a large pan.

Salted Fish Fried Rice (Nasi Goreng Ikan Masin)

Nasi Goreng or fried has become our family's staple dish. It is easy to make and can be an alternative choice for white rice dish. There are many types of nasi goreng such as Nasi Goreng Kampung (Country Fried Rice), Nasi Goreng Cina (Chinese Fried Rice), Nasi Goreng Ikan Masin (Salted Fish Fried Rice), Nasi Goreng Kerabu (Salad Fried Rice), Nasi Goreng Seafood ( Seafood Fried Rice) and many more. The most commonly made nasi goreng at home is only basic fried rice with addition of meat or dried salted fish and also egg.  Today I will be sharing a recipe of nasi goreng which I made during breakfast for my family. It is nasi goreng ikan masin or salted fish fried rice. This fried rice is really liked by Malaysian as it has variation in its flavor as the fried salted fish is added in it. The salted fish which is usually used is Spanish Mackerel fermented fish in oil. But you can also use any types of salted fish that you like. So lets go to the recipe. For 4 servings Ingr