
Showing posts from December, 2020

Deep Fried Fish With Turmeric And Ginger

I can say that fried fish is cooked almost everyday for our lunch menu. Be it turmeric fried fish, unseasoned fried fish or boiled fried fish, lunch may not feel complete without it. In the restaurants also there will be crispy spicy fried fish or crispy turmeric fried fish in trays for the costumers to choose for their lunch menu. Hot and crispy fried fish is a very suitable partner to the hot steaming white rice. And today I am going to share the turmeric fried fish recipe for people who have not tried this dish yet to try them. It is a quite easy recipe. The taste of this fried fish is, soft inside and crispy outside. Some people love their whole fried fish to be crispy until the bones become edible. Some prefer it less crispy. Usually this fried fish dish is crispy outside and a bit tender inside. The marinade add flavor to the fish and in the same time decrease the fishy taste of the fish. The crispier the fried fish the less fishy taste it will have. The fish used also must be we

Mushroom curry

I almost forgot that we have some split gill mushrooms in the fridge. This morning I found them almost completely dried due to the cold refrigerator temperature. I decided to cook two dishes with these mushrooms, 1 for lunch and 1 for dinner.  I remembered that my dad said that split gill mushrooms can be cooked as curry so I decided to cook mushroom curry. I have adjusted this curry recipe to suit the mushroom dried condition and lack of flavor after sitting in refrigerator for more than a week. I added some stock to cover up the lack of mushroom flavor. Being a homemade cook also require us to be creative and adjustable sometimes, in order to save time, and save some ingredients which almost go bad.  Difference in taste between gulai and curry Lots of people mistakenly called gulai as curry when they came to Malaysia and maybe Indonesia. Actually there are some difference between gulai and curry. I am not very knowledgeable in spices mix but I try to explain a bit here.  Gulai is a d